
Reproductive System

Porcine Tissues •  Porcine Tissue Catalog  •  Biliary System  •  Circulatory System  •  Blood and Body Fluids  •  Digestive System  •  Endocrine System  •  Integumentary System  •  Lymphatic System  •   Musculoskeletal System  •  Nervous System •  Reproductive System  •  Respiratory System  •  Sensory Organs  •  Tissue Blocks  •  Urinary System 


Fallopian Tubes (FT): Both right and left fallopian tubes from the uterus.

Gyn Block (GYNB): Included in this block is the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, broad ligament and cervix.

Gyn Block with Urinary System attached (GYNBUSA): Included in this block is the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, broad ligament, cervix, urinary bladder, ureters, and urethra.

Ovaries (OV): Sold as a pair.

Uterus (UT): The uterine horns and broad ligament. This does not include the ovaries and fallopian tubes. (See the Gyn Block for an all-inclusive uterine block.)

Placental Membrane (PM): This tissue is harvested fresh from a sow that has farrowed at our swine farm. It weighs approximately 5-7 lbs. and includes all the amniotic sacs and umbilical cords. Placental membranes are rinsed with distilled water after harvest and bagged into poly bags with client-supplied or -specified media.

Umbilical Cord (UMB): These tissues are harvested from births of pigs on our farm. The number of umbilical cords that are harvested per placenta is dependent on the number of pigs born to that sow. Each umbilical cord is harvested at approximately 6″ in length. Typically a minimum of 8-10 piglets are born per litter.

Amniotic Sacs (AS): These tissues are harvested from births of pigs on our farm. There are approximatly 8-10 piglets born per litter and the number of amniotic sacs is dependent on the number of piglets in the litter. Each sac is approximately 375 square cm. (measuring a harvest size of 25 cm x 15 cm per sac). Sacs are rinsed with distilled water and placed into individual bags with client-supplied or -specified media.


Prostate Gland (PG): Prostate from one animal.

Below are Links of Available Porcine Tissues, Organs and Systems

Below is a List of Available Porcine Tissues, Organs and Systems

Browse our available tissues by category, or access a PDF of the complete catalog here.

For an alphabetical list of our available tissues, please click here.