
Nervous System

Nervous System Tissue

Brain Whole (BRW): All hemispheres of the brain with the absence of the dura mater.

Brain Cut in half (BRC): All hemispheres of the brain intact with a complete cut through the sagittal plane.

Head (HD): The head with or without ears and eyes attached. Skin and muscle is attached.

Skull (SKL): Skull with brain intact. The muscle and skin are removed. The mandible is removed.

Spinal Cord (SC): The spinal cord is removed from the vertebral column when the column is cut on the sagittal plane. The harvested tissue measures approximately 12” in length.

Below are Links of Available Porcine Tissues, Organs and Systems

Below is a List of Available Porcine Tissues, Organs and Systems

Browse our available tissues by category, or access a PDF of the complete catalog here.

For an alphabetical list of our available tissues, please click here.