
Biliary System

Porcine Tissues Porcine Tissue Catalog  •  Biliary System  •  Circulatory System  •  Blood and Body Fluids  •  Digestive System  •  Endocrine System  •  Integumentary System  •  Lymphatic System  •   Musculoskeletal System  •  Nervous System •  Reproductive System  •  Respiratory System  •  Sensory Organs  •  Tissue Blocks  •  Urinary System 

  • Common Bile Duct (BD): This duct is harvested at a length of 3 mm.
  • Cystic Duct (CYD): This duct is harvested at a length of 1 mm.
  • Pancreas (PAN): One whole pancreas from one animal.
  • Duodenum (DU): Duodenum portion of the small intestine with or without intact mesentery. Contents are rinsed out with water and the tissue measures 12” in length.
  • Liver with Gall Bladder (LVGB): Liver with gall bladder and bile. Bile duct is tied off to retain the bile.
  • Liver with Hepatic Artery (LVHA): Liver with hepatic artery attached. The artery is not dissected.
  • Liver with Hepatic Portal Vein (LVHPA): Liver with approximately 1” of hepatic portal vein attached.L
  • Liver without Gall Bladder (LVWOGB)
  • Gall Bladder (GB): Harvested from the liver. It is optional to ligate the biliary duct to retain the bile in the bladder.

Below are Links of Available Porcine Tissues, Organs and Systems

Below is a List of Available Porcine Tissues, Organs and Systems

Browse our available tissues by category, or access a PDF of the complete catalog here.

For an alphabetical list of our available tissues, please click here.