
Research Swine Production Will Benefit From Vaccines Being Developed Against PEDv

In June of this year the USDA set aside $3.9 million for two licensed animal vaccine companies to develop vaccines for PEDv. To date that money has not made it to them.  The two companies, Zoetis and Harrisvaccines, however have developed vaccines and are currently field testing them.

Both are testing vaccine administered to research swine sows of infected herds for the purpose of developing passive immunity through milk colostrum for their piglets. The Zoetis vaccine went on the market in September and the company is collecting efficacy and potency data.  The Harrisvaccine, likewise, is being tested on select farms as well. Preliminary data from both companies looks promising as the litters from vaccinated sows are showing low death losses and minimal diarrhea as compared to control groups.

Please click to read the The New York Times article: Farmers Gain Weapon Against Devastating Pig Virus by Stephanie Strom. Oct. 9, 2014